GENEDEC - Programme Européen


Jayet, P.A. (avec les contributions de Debove, E.; Kleinhanss, W.; Küpker, B.; Júdez, L.; Xepapadeas, A.)       443 ko au format pdf
Land market and Genedec

Chakir, R.; Debove, E.; Jayet, P.A., INRA       sur le site de l’ITPS 443 ko au format pdf
Decoupling of direct payments: an application of the AROPAj Model projecting regionally differentiated impacts on the EU–15 farming sector (preliminary results)



Júdez, L.; Chaya, C.; de Miguel, J.M.; Bru, R.       118 ko au format pdf
Stratification and sample size of data sources for the agricultural mathematical programming models

Raja Chakir, Elodie Debove, Pierre–Alain Jayet, INRA       194 ko au format pdf
Decoupling of direct payments: expected regionally differentiated impacts on the EU–15 farming sector. An application of the AROPAj model (preliminary results)



F. Arfini, W. Kleinhanss, B. Kuepker, P.A. Jayet       3,6 Mo au format pdf
Insights from GENEDEC



D 1

  • Swinbank, A.; Tranter, R.; Daniels, J.; Wooldridge,M.       2,1 Mo au format pdf
    An examination of various theoretical concepts behind decoupling and review of hypothetical and actual de-coupled support schemes in some OECD countries

  • Wooldridge, M.;Tranter, R.       1,1 Mo au format pdf
    Stakeholders’ reactions to the introduction of a decoupled support system for agriculture. A comparison resulting from investigations in France, Germany, Ireland, Italy and the United Kingdom


D 2

  • Rehman, T.       2,8 Mo au format word
    Test and improve farm level models and tools for quantitative assessments of shadow prices of land, quotas and trade of entitlements


D 3

  • Rehman, T.      4,6 Mo au format word
    Test and improve farm level models and tools for quantitative assessments of shadow prices of land, quotas and trade of entitlements


D 4

  • Jayet, P.A. (coord.)     12 Mo au format pdf
    Report on results concerning models linking farm, markets and the environment


D 5

  • Xepapadeas, A., Passa, C.       889 ko, au format pdf
    Environmental Pressures and Regulation in European Agriculture: A Survey of Current Issues and Policies

  • Xepapadeas, A., Passa, C.      254 ko, au format pdf
    Nitrate Leaching Regulation as a Nonpoint Source Pollution Problem: A Conceptual Framework


D 6

  • Jayet, P.A., Arfini, F.       4,2 Mo au format pdf
    Quali–quantitative assessment of socio–economic impacts of the Commission proposal of decoupling


D 7

  • Jayet, P.A.;Kleinhanss, W.       772 ko au format pdf
    Detailed analysis of the impacts of options within the Commission proposal and of partially decoupled schemes


D 8

  • Kleinhanss, W.;Xepapadeas, A.       1 Mo au format pdf
    Possible options and impacts of decoupling within Pillar-2 of CAP

  • Jayet, P.A.;Kleinhanss, W.       630 ko au format pdf
    Possible options and impacts of decoupling within Pillar–II of CAP


D 9

  • Montresor, E.; Perali, F.; Pecci, F.; Sassi, M.; Salvioni, C.; Bettocchi, A.; Bonetti, M.; Lovo, S.; Magnani, R.; Matteazzi, E.       2,6 Mo au format pdf
    Examination of the socio-economic effect of decoupling on structural change at farm and regional level

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